My first crystal bed session was precipitated by an experience that totally overwhelmed all of my defenses. I'd tell you the story but, it's one we all have our own version of. Suffice it to say, on a day when I woke up feeling like a piece of road kill, and none of the usual methods were enough to restore my soul, I took a ride up to Gisele's and she was kind enough to put me on the Crystal Bed. I can't tell you what happened. It is not something that I could articulate without sounding like I was a little Koo-Koo - but between the crystals and the frequencies after an hour I opened my eyes feeling like a piece of Dandelion fluff. Every hair on my head was connected to a star and the infinitude of light and possibilities that began to flow in, got me up off the table and back in the flow. What happened next? I took a ride up to a crystal show and picked up a load of crystals that would blow your mind. I hit the ground running, went on to the next thing, and had a fantastic day instead of being all messed up about "My Story" ! I highly recommend the Vogel Crystal Bed to anyone who is looking for an out of this world, alternative healing experience - Cal Garrison, Sedona, AZ
My experience with the Marcel Vogel crystal bed at the Crystal Laser Bed in Sedona was a great journey inward. I would say it was an inward dimensional journey. Like a deep massage of the subconscious, allowing you the relaxation to enter into another state of being, a clarity of subtle shift within, was my experience with this session. Gisele holds space for your experience exquisitely and impeccably. If you are familiar with Drunvalo's work, then you know the importance of crystals. Marcel Vogel's work makes most of our modern communications with all of our devices or "crystal communication boxes" work. Now ~ Imagine ~ these streams of frozen light be beamed at you. What will they communicate to you...? If you are interested in alternative relaxation sessions with Crystals: Frozen Light; check out the genius of Marcel Vogel and when in Sedona get a session with Gisele... - Robert Dakota, WorldViewz Media, Sedona, AZ, May 2014
My crystal bed experience was great. You have a gift, Gisele, of making people feel awesome. - JM, CA
"I have had several crystal laser bed sessions in Sedona with Gisele. Each one has been unique and healing. Gisele graciously sets the sacred space for the session and follows through using her intuition of whatever is for your highest good during the session. It is a very gentle, loving, and healing experience. I feel it throughout my whole body; feeling centered, peaceful, relaxed, and healed. I highly recommend this healing experience with Gisele!" - Suzanne Roloff, ThetaHealing Master Teacher,
I went to Sedona looking for balance, peace, and calm—the antithesis of my east coast lifestyle. My crystal bed session showed me I was also looking for something else: a balm for a bruised spirit. Gisele coaxed out the toxic “hook” that a loved one had snuck into my heart, and filled that void with kindness and compassion for my Self and for others. What a truly transformative and inspiring experience; it’s like going to the chiropractor for your inner self! HWP, Milton, MA
From the Book: The Message of the Apus: "All of his descendants should use the Maxn and the disc in the chamber of light as they have always done, with the aim of perfecting the evolution of the self and attempting to establish the harmony of the seven fundamental virtues, which by joining their seven respective colours produce the white light."